Posted in Featured, Miscellaneous, Pursuing God, The GREAT Adventure—Journeying with Jesus!
Good Friday—The Willing Ordeal

Darkness shrouds the day like a heavy, leaden cloak. The ominous sky thunders its anger. Or is it victory it is booming? The temple curtain tears in two. The earth rumbles, rocks crumble, tombs split open, centurions tremble. Men and nature proclaim, “Surely he was the Son of God!” With Your last earthly sigh, the unspeakable agony abruptly and thankfully stops. Your...
Read MorePosted in Featured, Miscellaneous, Pursuing God, The GREAT Adventure—Journeying with Jesus!
Imagine…Maundy Thursday, the Day Before Jesus Dies...

It’s Thursday. Jesus already knows what the day entails. Did He sleep that night, or did He toss and turn until the sun rose that morning? We don’t know how He spent His last free morning, but in the early evening, He gathers His disciples—this band of ragtag men He loves—for the Passover meal. He lovingly and humbly washes their feet, realizing one of them will betray Him before...
Read MoreReflections on Jesus and Palm Sunday

The day Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the elated crowds cheered for Him....
Be the “Healthful Hero” ...

Let’s get healthy together. Let’s be intentional about caring for our bodies, our minds, and our spirits this holiday season.
7 Survival Tips for Grandparents

Okay, so your grandchildren are the epitome of cuteness and extremely...
Enough Already! Pounds, That Is!

Confession time! After finally reaching a point a few years ago where I was...
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